Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kickoff August Observe

Well we made it through another July and as expected our hot temps has kept any personal sky foraging and outreach to a minimum. But we seem to be in a earlier than normal cooling trend - still warm but our evenings are cooling down fast with very pleasant temps. In fact last evenings double star hunt required a jacket at 10:30 p.m . So much fun to be out and about the sky with CR150 splitting stellar combos, drinking green tea, and listening to the various insects and toads stake their personal territory in my back yard. Sierra August/September skies are greatly anticipated by me each year and are some of the most memorable and special times for me under the stellar canopy. My neighbor Edi stopped by to chat and view and is looking forward to a dark sky night out with his one year old 10" dob. I would like to pick up my outreach again in mid August but I am not to sure if this will happen as some stuff is in flux right now and of course temps could go up and range fires smoke us all out!

But this night was a nice foretaste of things to come - pretty sky, people to chat with, and a chance to recharge the photon bucket!


Drive-by Astronomy said...

Very very handsome! And the guy sitting next to the CR150 isn't too bad either.
Glad you got out to enjoy some doubles last night CR. Wish I could have joined you.

Could SUG see some of the doubles you showed him?

Sidewalk Universe said...

Hey Drive By & TVNP101, Mr.SUG is a very keen eyed observer guy. In fact he was able to split some that I was not able too. Whats up with that! But it was still nice to be out of the garage in the yard with the fresh air!


Paulie said...

August will be a very busy month for me. Throw in another Coronal Mass Ejection and a shoot at some aurora (I did not get to see any this week) and it could be very interesting. I'm going do do a ballpark lunar program either the 16th or 17th, attend a Perseid observation or two, a star party at the Calumet Astronomical Society's Conway Observatory, and maybe a couple of movies under the stars. Let's hope for clear skies and lots of coffee.

Sidewalk Universe said...

Hey Paulie sounds like a nice August of events! Please let us know how your ball park outing goes. Great idea!

Great combo the joe and clear sky!