Monday, November 28, 2011

SNJ Teacher's Workshop Nov'11

Once again Sierra NV Journeys opened their doors to the Sidewalk Guy in the form of a teachers workshop on the Solar System. We had our first session last Tuesday.

Here are some pics of my highly involved group!

This group worked hard for the 4 hours of this first session - this after a long day in the classroom. We covered a lot of ground (and space!) in this time moving from activity to the next. They handled the Sidewalk Guy's energy & enthusiasm and are looking forward to their personal Lunar encounter this next Tuesday - 4 hours of Lunar indoctrination, hands on activities, viewing along with the Zodiac made simple!


Jo said...

Wow SUG! Your enthusiasm got them hooked for life! Well done. :) I'm sure the upcoming viewing session is going to be a whole lot of fun!

Sidewalk Universe said...

We had a super observing session. I had 3 that really pressed into this and were rewarded greatly. Overall a good workshop.

I hope they make a personal effort to befriend the moon.

Thanks Johany!