Saturday, June 25, 2011

From PUG To SUG To HUB Solar Lunar Outreach 6/25

We are in a wonderful weather cycle here on the Eastern Sierra! Today I was up at 5:45 and it was serious cool and dry out so I had to choose which identity would dominate my morning. Was it to be the Patio Universe Guy or the Sidewalk Universe Guy? SUG won out with a trip to the HUB Coffee Company in old South Reno foremost on my mind as this was the almost perfect day I was looking for with a waning gibbous Luna and a not so hot Sun embedded in dry clear sky! This was to be my first coffee house outreach location that I mentioned on this blog a few months back. I have had a few nights and mornings of personal observing this week and I was feeling very spunky about a outreach at a new locale. The HUB Coffee Company was just right for the PUG to transform to SUG outreach mode today!

I was all set up and ready to go by 8 a.m and my first target was the staff. They were treated to WOW Lunar Views with the Southern Lunar Highlands tilting our way. No problem cranking up the power to show these wonderful crater fields! Now they could talk up this guy with the scope on the sidewalk!

Sherry was my first patron to risk the SUG's sidewalk charm. Astronomy with morning coffee turned out to be the right fit this day for her. We started with the Jumbo Styro Ball On A Stick Phase Modeling which captured her attention and other patrons looked on with serious attention. Just what is going on here? Well come over and find out! Sherry placed herself in SUG's safe guidance and was navigating Earth's buddy with ease and making detailed observations of Solar features. It is amazing how just one person can make your outing feel so successful!

Chris is a weekly visitor to the HUB but he was not ready this day for the likes of SUG on the walkway with scope and enthusiasm for one and all. Totally captivated this biologist was with the local universe being reviled to him. Crater fields and Mare became his as he genuflected before "Selene of the Morning Sky"!

This was a fun 3 hour time out with 25 visitors stopping to enjoy the show.

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