Saturday, September 26, 2009

More HEOC (Healthy Eating And Observing Club)

Part of a healthy eating routine I find is to take advantage of the things you have right around the house in your pantry and refrigerator. This way way you can stay away from fast and convenience foods which in large doses is usually not good for us. I do not mind making fast runs to the store to pick up on fresh items such as fruit, vegetables, bakery bread. For some reason - maybe mental but stuff just tastes better! Tonight's observe and meal is quick, easy, totally nutritious and will pump you up!

The Meal: Cous Cous with vegetables, black beans, toast. So much fun as just about any combo of vegetables and topping will work. Tonight I used red wine vinegar, lime juice, fresh ground pepper. How about some green salsa with some sour cream or plain yogart? A simple bowl meal easy to handle at the scope observing .................

The Object: The Moon, sunrise on the Apenninus Bench -crater Archimedes structure of dubious origin and the Eratosthenes - Mons Wolff Bridge ( my name). Fun and easy observe just at or past first quarter. Why is our most assessable celestial object so over looked? Like that box of Cous Cous in the pantry with simple preparation and effort it will deliver something good!

Eat well my friends!


Drive-by Astronomy said...

OK SUG now that's a nice side dish but where's the rest of the meal? I think I might need help with healthy eating.
I will be putting cous cous on the grocery list.
Cous Cous and a side of Sinus Amoris!

Sidewalk Universe said...

Hey Mike your combo here is a good one!

Drive-by Astronomy said...

I was very very bad today, but it was very very good!

Oleson said...

What is up with SUG? No postings recently. Inquiring minds want to know.